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Sunday, August 28, 2011


This blog is not really about cats, well, not as the primary purpose anyway.  We currently have 4 cats. Cat #1 weighs about 4 pounds (perhaps if you get her soaking wet) and has had two litters (none of our cats can produce offspring any longer). Cat #2 is the sister of Cat #1 and weighs in at around 8 pounds (maybe a little less, but she looks like 12 pounds).  Cat #3 is from the first litter of Cat #1 and she weighs in at around 10 pounds (she also looks much like her aunt.. Cat #2).  Cat #4 (and a half) is from the last litter of Cat #1 and weighs in at around 27 pounds.  <GasP!> Hey! He eats 1/2 cup of dry catfood a day, 1/4 cup at 10 am and 1/4 cup at 10 pm... and he usually leaves some for his aunt (Cat #2).  Our cats are all very friendly, they usually gather around any new visitors to our home (scares some kids until they find out how friendly and soft our cats are, especially Cat #4).

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